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Chronic Disease Prevention


As part of TRPHD’s commitment to creating sustainable, healthy, and vibrant communities in our district, we are working with partners Lexington and Kearney to increase biking and walking in these communities.

Increasing biking and walking makes a community more livable, attracting young adults and the elderly to communities. This is part of TRPHD’s overall effort to help communities base their economies, and in turn increase health overall. Some of the program accomplishments in 2017 included:

  • Hosted the Kearney Active Living Summit, bringing a total of 60 people into a conversation around increasing biking and walking, which also resulted in a strong action plan to guide our work over the coming years.
  • Worked with our partners to host events relating to increasing biking and walking, that educate the community and encourage people to consider adding these modes of transportation to their lifestyle.
  • Convening a group of citizens, activists, and partners that can fight for advancements in biking and walking across Kearney and Lexington.
  • Building relationships with city officials and other key partners to ensure that this critical work to create more sustainable and vibrant cities is able to continue in the coming years.

A big thanks to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC for making this work possible. A thanks also goes out to community partners and participants who are working with us to create healthier communities.


National Diabetes Prevention Program

Two Rivers Public Health Department is helping to prevent type 2 diabetes by working with local partners to offer National Diabetes Prevention Program Classes.  Our partners offer a year long class to help clients practice eating healthy, exercising, and ultimately becoming a healthier person. 

The program is run by a trained lifestyle coach who will help you change particular parts of your lifestyle such as: reducing stress, changing eating habits, and getting more physical activity. 

  • This fact sheet has more information about your risk for prediabetes and information about your area.