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Emergency Response

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Emergency Response

TRPHD works to advance preparedness activities, by working with communities, hospitals, agencies, and organizations in order to prepare for and recover from a potential disaster.

Emergency Response activities include developing and testing plans for responding to disasters in an effort to protect the Two Rivers Public Health Department district from health threats.  Emergency Response also involves working closely with other agencies and organizations to best serve the citizens living the in the Two Rivers Public Health Department district.  Preparedness activities can inform the response time of the community to provide lifesaving help and resources to individuals who are in need. Through collaboration with community partners, clinics, hospitals, agencies, and organizations Two Rivers Public Health Department has the ability to assist with coordinating a collaborative response to emergencies.


What We Do

Our emergency response program engages in collaborative, community focused public health emergency planning. The Emergency Response Coordinator develops plans that will help TRPHD detect, respond to, and recover from health emergencies. These plans work in cooperation with the activities that TRPHD performs routinely such as disease surveillance, health education and environmental health services.

The Emergency Response Coordinator performs the following activities to enhance the ability of TRPHD to respond efficiently and effectively to public health emergencies:

·       Exercise, test and update our plans, protocols and strategies regularly to ensure their timeliness, operability and effectiveness.

·       Maintain a training and exercise schedule that aids us in evaluating what works and does not work in our response planning for anticipated and unexpected emergencies.

·       Plan and coordinate the operation of sites that will serve as emergency points of distribution (PODs) where we will dispense medicine or vaccine in an emergency.

·       Assure access to volunteers who are able to quickly assist the department in needed response efforts.

·       Partner with community based organizations who service community members and work to keep them informed about preparedness.

·       Provide training to TRPHD staff, partners and community volunteers who may be requested to help in a public health emergency.

·       Provide public health emergency coordination as requested by our Emergency Management partners during an event.

Build A Disaster Preparedness Kit

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked with the items on the checklist below.  Most of the items are inexpensive and easy to find, and any one of them could save your life.  Headed to the store?  Click HERE to download a printable version to take with you.  Once you take a look at the basic items, consider what unique needs your family might have, such as supplies for children, seniors, or pets.

After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days.  Being prepared means having your own food, water, and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours.  A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

Basic Disaster Supply Kit

To assemble your kit, store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag.

A basic emergency supply kit could include the following recommended items:

-       Water – one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation

-       Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food

-       Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert

-       Flashlight

-       First aid kit

-       Extra batteries

-       Whistle to signal for help

-       Dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place

-       Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

-       Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

-       Manual can opener for food

-       Local maps

-       Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery

Additional Emergency Supplies

Consider adding the following items to your emergency supply kit based on your individual needs:

-       Prescription medications

-       Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives

-       Glasses and contact lense solution

-       Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream

-       Pet food and extra water for your pet

-       Cash or traveler’s checks

-       Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a waterproof, portable container

-       Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person

-       Complete change of clothing appropriate for your climate and sturdy shoes

-       Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper to disinfect water

-       Fire extinguisher

-       Matches in a waterproof container

Maintaining Your Kit

After assembling your kit remember to maintain it so it’s ready when needed:

-       Keep canned food in a cool, dry place

-       Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers

-       Replace expired items as needed

-       Re-think your needs and update your kit as your family’s needs change

Kit Storage Locations

Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare supplies for home, work and vehicles.

-       Home: keep this kit in a designated place and have it ready in case you have to leave your home quickly.  Make sure all family members know where the kit is kept.

-       Work: be prepared to shelter at work for at least 24 hours.  Your work kit should include food, water, and other necessities like medicines, as well as comfortable walking shoes, stored in a “grab and go” case.

-       Vehicle: in case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car.

Two Rivers Public Health Department District Emergency Managers


Darrin Lewis, Director

2025 Avenue A

Kearney, NE 68847




Brian Woldt, Director

700 N. Washington

Lexington, NE 68850




Jerry Archer, Director

P.O. Box 292

Franklin, NE 68939




Roger Powell, REG 17 Coordinator

912 R St., P.O. Box 408

Beaver City, NE 68926




Chris Becker, Director

706 Second

Alma, NE 68920



Jeff England, Director

402 Main Ave., P.O. Box 7

Axtell, NE 68924




Justin Norris, Director

715 Fifth Ave., Suite 22

Holdrege, NE 68949


Upcoming Training / Exercises / Drills

Planning stages for a table top and full-scale exercise as a regional Emergency Response Group.

Planning stages for a table top exercise and full-scale exercise in Kearney.

(Details to follow)