Upcoming Meetings
The next TRIMRS Steering Committee Meeting will take place in December. The date and time are to be announced. This meeting will be an in person opportunity for members to converse and network with one another. A Financial Subcommittee meeting will take place prior to the Steering Committee Meeting.
Upcoming Exercises
TRPHD serves as the coordinator for the Tri-Cities Medical Response System (TRIMRS), which helps to strengthen emergency response through collaboration.
As the coordinator for TRIMRS, TRPHD has written or facilitated community-wide disaster drills and table-top exercises. The community-wide drills have included tornado, mass fatality, and earthquake drills. These exercises test a community’s ability to respond to a disaster, including testing incident command, patient tracking, and communications. As a result of a drill, TRPHD has observed hospitals and community organizations form new partnerships for responding to a disaster and policy updates to encourage preparedness.
TRPHD also helps to facilitate table-top exercises, in which a scenario of a disaster is presented to a group, in order to encourage ideas in how to respond. Table-top exercises conducted within the last year have included Ebola, Tuberculosis, and tornado scenarios.
Hospital Coalition Partners
Franklin County Memorial Hospital
Kearney County Health Services
Kearney Regional Medical Center
Lexington Regional Health Center
Veteran's Administration
Webster County Community Hospital
Agency Coalition Partners
Adams County Emergency Management
City of Kearney - Buffalo County Emergency Management
Central District Health Department
Central Nebraska Medical Reserve Corps
Clay County Emergency Management
Dawson County Emergency Management
City of Grand Island - Hall County Emergency Management
Hamilton County Emergency Management
Harlan County Emergency Management
Kearney County Emergency Management
Loup Basin Public Health Department
Region 3 Behavioral Health Services
Phelps County Emergency Management
Region 26 Emergency Management
Region 44 Emergency Management
South Heartland District Health Department
Two Rivers Public Health Department
Hospitals and Other Medical Response Agencies May Wish to Contact TRIMRS Regarding:
- Medical surge / mass casualty events
- Mass fatality events
- The potential that the hospital will overrun its normal bed capacity
- For assistance in contacting other hospitals in the region or statewide to obtain medical supplies, equipment, personal protective equipment and human resources
- For activating the TRIMRS owned Mobile Medical Assets
- To alert other TRIMRS members of any event that has the potential to alter its normal operations to a point that additional resources may be needed
Hospitals Should Contact Their Local Public Health Department in the Following Situations
- Evacuation
- Sheltering
- Damage
- Disruption of services
- Medical surge
- Mass casualty incidents
- Mass fatality incidents
- Potential for going over bed capacity
- Community health concerns
- Coordinating movement of patients out of the hospital
- Public statements in an event
- Disruption in capabilities / capacities to provide normal services
- Disease outbreaks
- Contacting the Department of Health & Human Services
- Need for behavioral health resources
Public Health can also provide the following resources:
- Public information
- Medical supplies and personal protective equipment
- Access to Medical Reserve Corps, ESAR VHP, COAD(s), and VOAD
- Guidelines regarding disease outbreaks
TRIMRS Essential Elements of Information (EEI)
TRIMRS Essential Elements of Information form.
TRIMRS Meeting Minutes